How many of you have looked at someone on Instagram and thought, “damn, I wish I looked like her”?
Now how many of you think that someone else has looked at you and asked that very same question?
You see, we all think we want to be something we aren’t. We look at our neighbours and think that their lives are better than ours and that they have it all together. I’ve got news for you: we are all messed up. We all have things about ourselves we don’t love. We have all done things we are not proud of. Yet, we seem to think that if we just lived in someone else’s circumstances that life would be good.
I promise you, it’s not.
There will always be someone with more money, more time, and someone in better shape than you.
This isn’t a piece about how you are perfect just the way you are and all you need to do is tell yourself you’re beautiful and your life will get better. The truth is, it probably won’t. This right here is a piece about what it’s like to live a life that is far from perfect and be happy about it.
#1 Be Honest with Yourself
So often, we tell ourselves we are fine when we are not. We push through the day as mom’s, students, professionals, and we get done what needs to get done because what other choice to we have? We convince ourselves we are happy. We convince ourselves that we are fine. Sometimes we are, but sometimes we are not. Being able to acknowledge those times is crucial in your wellbeing.
If you are sitting here reading this and telling yourself, yeah but Mikhayla if I really look at being honest with myself I am afraid of what I might find. I hear you girl, I’m there too. When you live your life apart from yourself looking inward with an honest lens can be frightening. That fear most often, is because we are hiding a truth we don’t want to believe: we are unhappy with our lives. That is a scary truth to face. Luckily, you have the power to change it.
#2 Accept yourself as you are today
So often I see so many people focused on their future selves. The job they are working towards, the relationship they are praying for, the family they hope to have some day, or the sobriety they hope to achieve. While that is all fine, when we spend all of our energy focused on who we hope to be, we don’t believe we will be worthy until we get there. We do not accept and love ourselves as we are today.
We are worthy as we are today. YOU are worthy.
So take a moment to stop fixating on what is yet to come. Stand up tall. Put your shoulders back, lift your chest up and keep your head held high. You are worthy and you are loved right where you are at right now.
Come as you are.

Guest Blogger
Mikhayla is a 25 year old Social Worker from Baldwin’s Mills, Quebec. She is a Masters student at Wilfrid Laurier University and the Drug Strategy Coordinator for M’Chigeeng First Nation. She continues her work with M’Chigeeng First Nation in leading the development of a new initiative for addressing addictions. Mikhayla has a passion for the helping field and enjoys sharing when she can with others to inspire them to reach their full potential.
Instagram: @mikhaylapatterson
Tiktok: @mikkey1610