Self-development is a process of consciously improving oneself in various aspects of life. It is a conscious pursuit of personal growth by improving personal skills, capabilities , talents and knowledge. This process involves learning new skills, polishing the existing skills and sometimes demands getting out of our comfort zone to increase our chances of success. There’s always something about ourselves we can work on and that is why its impossible to say that we have reached a point of no growth.
There was a time in my life that I thought that I have arrived. My life revolved around a routine that left me feeling empty and not motivated by anything. I woke up at the same time every day and did the same things before I left for work. After work, I came home, made dinner, and watched tv until midnight or 1am only to wake up in the morning grumpy and complaining about being tired. At that moment, I promised myself that I would not do that again. Yet when the evening came, I did the exact same thing anyways. I thought I had no time for anything else and I often wondered how other people managed to do anything after work. The truth is everyone is tired. Adulting is tiring.
One of the ways to improve personal growth is through reading. Growing up I was never a bookworm. I admired the people who would sit down and read books for fun. In my dictionary, reading was not fun. I read because I had to, for school. That’s it. But one day a friend challenged me to just read 5 pages each day and see how far I could go. In the beginning, I hated it. I only read 5 pages and stopped there. A week into it, I started reading at least 10 pages, then a chapter. And before I knew it, I started to enjoy it and even started to carry a book in my purse just in case I have some time to kill and I would read instead of browsing the net.
We may wait for the perfect time to work on ourselves because our jobs leave us exhausted to even think of doing anything extra than sitting on a couch. But if we spend all our time working for others, we fail ourselves. There’s a quote I love when it comes to investing in ourselves. “Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job because if you work hard on your job, you can make a living but if you work hard on yourself, you will make a fortune. – Jim Rohn. This is not calling you to be lazy or slack at work, lol but it’s managing our time accordingly. For me, this has meant watching less tv and spending time with my family, going to bed early, and making time for self care.
The best way to improve is to just do it. Set small goals, take the first step and just run with it. You will be surprised to see how much you are able to do once you set your mind to it. Self development enables us to assess our ability, set goals and then take action to help us achieve those goals and maximize our potential. At the end of the day, we want to be fulfilled with the life we are living, being proud of the people we have become, reaching our full potentials and be happy humans. Truly living our best lives in real life and not just on the gram.

Guest Blogger
Audace Samuel
Fun loving human. Wife. Mom. Child support worker. Book lover, treasure of friendship.