Personal growth is a process of learning, developing new skills and improving an area in one’s life. This change could be physical, emotional, spiritual, psychological or social. Self-growth exposes you to a world of endless possibilities. It makes life more meaningful. It enhances your opportunities and the potential that you possess. It soars you to very high places and builds that positive energy within you. I was very excited when I spoke to my friend Michelle and she talked about self growth being the focus for September. I am always very encouraged when I meet someone who is interested in self-development, we click that minute. Self-growth is key in becoming the best version of oneself.
Over the years, I always looked up to the word of God, to encourage me to keep striving to love more, to work hard and diligently, to help others, to learn a new skill, to read a book. I got a lot of inspiration from preachers like Joyce Meyer talking about her self-growth journey and how she needed to take bold steps to respond to the calling she had from God. After high school, I took my self-growth journey more seriously and decided that I needed to have a continuous improvement mindset. I attended a women’s development center on a weekly basis and I learned etiquettes on how to be an all-rounded woman. I read motivational books and listened to motivational speakers and joined groups that fostered my personal growth. I have always struggled with self confidence and I thought it was time I did something about it. I bought a book called ‘Confident Woman’ by Joyce Meyer and this has since helped me to improve my self esteem and boost my confidence.

Self-growth can be achieved at any stage in one’s life. It is never too late to start the journey towards self-development. For this to be achieved, one needs to look inwards and assess what needs to be improved upon. A periodic examination is a way to assess what changes are required. Personal growth starts with little steps. Examples of little steps could mean enrolling for an online course to help you advance professionally, taking a cooking course or watch meal prep videos to improve your cooking skills, playing/engaging in a sport to improve fitness, registering in a gym or with a personal fitness instructor to improve one’s health, breaking a bad habit by reading a book, improve your spiritual life by finding a community to worship and the list goes on and on. You can never truly advance if you do not take a bold step in life towards achieving that goal. Start small. Take baby steps. Applaud the little progress you are making. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Make time for self-care. Breathe. Dream. Aspire. Love who you are. Create. Empower yourself. Be happy. Help others genuinely from your heart. Do a little each day to grow, just like a seed that’s planted with love and carefully watered and nurtured will one day blossom and produce good fruits. Start that journey towards self-development today and remember that you are loved by our creator, just the way you are!

Guest Blogger:
Esele is a Christian, wife, mom, engineer and an active member in her community. She is currently working towards becoming licensed as a financial advisor and life insurance agent with the government of Canada. Send us an email if you are interested in these services and we can send you her contact information.